The returning to the mode of the universe

When C contacted us for the first time, through Stoli's erasing-board, his question, after telling us he was born in Earth, in Haifa (although he actually was born in Jerusalem), appeared on the board, in Hebrew, "Is Ben Gurion still alive?" Ben-Gurion was the prime minister when C left the earth in 1962. We told himהמשך לקרוא "The returning to the mode of the universe"


UFO's and "areas" – real and fake

C was here when the UFO craze started at the end of 1996. Then he traveled again (and on one of the trips he included me). His opinion was that most of the stories were fake and even if people really saw UFOs, they were not UFOs but the product of some kind of Earthianהמשך לקרוא "UFO's and "areas" – real and fake"
